Travel and Parking

Below you will find details regarding parking and travel.

Rackham Graduate Exercises will be held at Crisler Center (333 East Stadium Boulevard).

For hotel and restaurant information, please visit the Ann Arbor Visitors Bureau website.

Ann Arbor Map

Located less than 40 miles from Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Ann Arbor offers convenient access to major freeways.

Map of Ann Arbor

Thursday, May 1:  U-M parking structures at Fletcher, Hill, and Thayer streets and the Blue Area of the Palmer structure will be open at 9:00 a.m. for commencement guests.

Friday, May 2 – Sunday, May 4:  All U-M parking lots and structures will be open to the public beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Friday through Sunday.

Hotels & Restaurants

Please check the Ann Arbor Visitors’ Bureau website for information on hotels and restaurants, and make your reservations early.