Travel & Parking

Below you will find details regarding parking and travel.

Winter Commencement will be held at Crisler Center (333 East Stadium Boulevard).

For hotel and restaurant information, please visit the Ann Arbor Visitors Bureau website.

Ann Arbor Map

Located less than 40 miles from Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Ann Arbor offers convenient access to major freeways.

Map of Ann Arbor

Parking & Walking Map

Complimentary parking is available in the U-M lots surrounding Crisler Center as well as in the Pioneer High School parking lot, which is located on the southwest corner of Stadium Boulevard and Main Street. To avoid parking violations, please observe all posted notices and regulations.

We suggest you check this site regularly for parking updates or changes.

Map with walking times from local parking lots

Click to enlarge

Shuttle Service

Shuttle buses will run continuous loops from all general parking locations (see Parking and Walking map) surrounding Crisler Center (shown in green) to the northeast and southwest entrance of Crisler. There are no designated shuttle stops. Instead, buses will circle the lots, picking up passengers along the way.

All shuttle buses are wheelchair accessible.

The shuttle service begins at 12:30 p.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. Because the buses make frequent stops for passengers, we suggest you allow extra time to reach the Crisler Center.

Note: shuttles will NOT be picking up guests from the Pioneer High School lot.

Accessible Parking & Drop Off

We encourage guests with mobility concerns to be dropped off at the southwest entrance, nearest the location of parking for persons with accessible needs (state disability permit required).

Graduates or guests who have questions about parking, access, or special needs should call (734) 647-7900 for further information.

Accessible parking and entrance map for Crisler Center

Click to enlarge

Hotels & Restaurants

Please check the Ann Arbor Visitors’ Bureau website for information on hotels and restaurants, and make your reservations early.