
The University of Michigan strives to ensure that all graduates and guests can participate fully in this program.

On commencement day, staff will be available throughout Michigan Stadium to assist anyone with disabilities. Accessible restrooms are located near all entrances.

Graduates or guests who have questions about parking, access, or special needs should call 734.647.7900 for further information.

Real-Time Captioning and Sign Language Interpretation

Seating will be available for guests or graduates to view sign language interpreters during the commencement ceremony.

Accessible or Wheelchair Seating for Graduates

Accessible seating will be available on the field for graduates who use a wheelchair or have other mobility concerns. U-M staff will assist graduates with grad procession and seating on commencement day.

Accessible or Wheelchair Seating for Guests

Accessible seating will be available in the stadium for guests who use a wheelchair or have other mobility concerns. U-M staff will assist guests in finding seating.

Wheelchair Rental

Wheelchairs for use on commencement day may be rented at the following locations:

Advanced Medical Solutions
5333 McAuley Drive #1106
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 528-2522

HomeTown Pharmacy
2355 East Stadium Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 747-8080

Mitchell Home Care
2770 Carpenter Road #100
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
(734) 477-0202

We recommend calling as early as possible to reserve a wheelchair.